Thursday, March 10, 2011

Census 2011

Most people would have started receiving their Census forms or will receive them by 27th March the latest.

This Census has enormous implications for Hackney and its people; it takes place every 10 years and is the official count of the population. The official population figures are used to calculate the amount of Government funding to be allocated to local areas for a range of services including health, education, social services, youth services, emergency serves and police.

At the 2001 Census the response rate in Hackney was 73% - second lowest in the country! It’s estimated that Hackney lost out on over £50m. So getting it right this time is critical to ensure that we have fair funding to deliver the services needed in Hackney.

You can fill your form in online, simply visit: 

If you need assistance filling in your form, there is plenty of help available.  You can call the Census helpline 03000 201 text relay service 1800 1 0300 0201 160.  

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