Friday, January 23, 2009

New planning application for the Brownswood Library

App No: 2008/3185
Applicant: Genesis Housing Group
App Received Date: 29/12/2008
Agent: Savills Tel: 0203 320 8276

Former Brownswood Library
Brownswood Road
London N4 2ST
Case Officer: Rokos Frangos
Total Applications 3

Full Planning Permission FOR Demolition of existing building and
erection of a five-storey building containing seventeen residential
units and one disabled parking space, together with associated
outdoor amenity space and landscaping.

Check it out on the Planning section of

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Application for new hostel at 420 Seven Sisters Road

Happy New year to our small but dedicated group of readers!

The council has received a new application for a hostel which local residents may want to comment on.

Application no - 2008/2018

Address - 420 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2LX

Description - demolition of existing building on the site and the erection of a six storey building for use as a hostel with associated parking and refuse storage (Class C1)

Please see the planning section of the website
for further details.