This application, particularly Phase 2, falls mostly in Brownswood Ward. Please comment by noting the appllication number and going to the planning portal at the site.
Application Number: 2010/2982
Date Received: 01/12/2010
Validation Date: 08/12/2010
Agent: Rolfe Judd Planning
Agent Tel: 75561500
Phase 1b and 2 Woodberry Down
London London N4 2TG
Development Case Officer: Ron Madell
Description:The redevelopment of the site to provide a
mix of 733 affordable and private residential
units, a 2.263 sqm health facility, 992 sqm
commericial floorspace, associated amenity
space including a new park, underground car
parking and cycle parking. The scheme
comprises the erection of six blocks ranging in
height from 3 storeys to 9 storeys.
Comment by 6th January
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Dont miss out on Winter Wonderland in Hackney
Hackney Winter Festival 2-5 December, St John-at-Hackney Churchyard E5, 8am-7pm.Hackney Winter Festival 2 - 5 December, 2010, St John-at-Hackney Churchyard, 8am-7pm
Get your skates on at an ice rink, for those aged four and above with tickets at £4 for adults and £2.50 for children, including skate hire. Tickets are available at the rink or from the Hackney Empire box office.
The Hackney Winter Festival is organised by Hackney Council in partnership with St John-at-Hackney Church, and shops and businesses in the Narrow Way.
Get your skates on at an ice rink, for those aged four and above with tickets at £4 for adults and £2.50 for children, including skate hire. Tickets are available at the rink or from the Hackney Empire box office.
The Hackney Winter Festival is organised by Hackney Council in partnership with St John-at-Hackney Church, and shops and businesses in the Narrow Way.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
October Report
Councillors Report – October 2010
Manor House Area Action Plan
A draft area action plan for the area around the Manor House was approved at Council on 15th September. It tries to provide guidance to the public and private sectors on the type of development we would like to see. And in particular to ensure that it complements the regeneration of the Woodberry Down Estate.
A further public consultation meeting will be held from 6-8pm on 25th October at the West Reservoir Centre. Or the draft can be found here and through the link at the bottom.
Manor House Area Action Plan
A draft area action plan for the area around the Manor House was approved at Council on 15th September. It tries to provide guidance to the public and private sectors on the type of development we would like to see. And in particular to ensure that it complements the regeneration of the Woodberry Down Estate.
A further public consultation meeting will be held from 6-8pm on 25th October at the West Reservoir Centre. Or the draft can be found here and through the link at the bottom.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Our September update
Councillors Report – September 2010
Kings Crescent Estate
New master planners have been appointed to work with residents on a vision for the future of the estate. The firm appointed, PCKO have an established record in Hackney and elsewhere. This consultation should begin in September and aim to submit a completed plan early next year. It will attempt to cost any future rebuild, and provide a design code to integrate new buildings with older.
The refurbishment of all retained units should be completed by the end of August, though inevitably some snagging will occur. All previously void properties should soon be back in use.
The application for demolition of the north-south half of Lemsford Court was approved during August, and work will start soon.
The retrofit works to the southern blocks are being adjusted to exclude the new balconies which were unpopular with residents. The possibility of a cap on leaseholder recharges now looks unlikely.
Alexander National House
The planning application for the site was made during August with consultation due to conclude on 13th September, and hopefully a decision at the October Planning Committee. (search here Planning Application Search for ref 2010/1760 to comment)
Kings Crescent Estate
New master planners have been appointed to work with residents on a vision for the future of the estate. The firm appointed, PCKO have an established record in Hackney and elsewhere. This consultation should begin in September and aim to submit a completed plan early next year. It will attempt to cost any future rebuild, and provide a design code to integrate new buildings with older.
The refurbishment of all retained units should be completed by the end of August, though inevitably some snagging will occur. All previously void properties should soon be back in use.
The application for demolition of the north-south half of Lemsford Court was approved during August, and work will start soon.
The retrofit works to the southern blocks are being adjusted to exclude the new balconies which were unpopular with residents. The possibility of a cap on leaseholder recharges now looks unlikely.
Alexander National House
The planning application for the site was made during August with consultation due to conclude on 13th September, and hopefully a decision at the October Planning Committee. (search here Planning Application Search for ref 2010/1760 to comment)
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Late night off license application on our border
The Costcutter in the old Manor House, has applied for a license to sell alcohol to 2am. Comment, support or object to Hackney's Licensing Service.
Costcutter (M.H) Ltd
316 Green Lanes
London N4 1BX
Application for variation of premises licence to extend supply of alcohol till 02:00 am daily.
Closing date for comments - 25/09/2010.
Costcutter (M.H) Ltd
316 Green Lanes
London N4 1BX
Application for variation of premises licence to extend supply of alcohol till 02:00 am daily.
Closing date for comments - 25/09/2010.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Alexandra National House planning application
The planning application for the new council, housing association and private housing (and community hall) on the Alex Nat site has been submitted. Details are below. Please comment via the planning portal at
App No: 2010/1760
App Status: Registered
App Received Date: 14/07/2010
Agent: P C K O Architects
Agent Tel: 0208 864 7330
Address:Alexandra National House
Seven Sisters Road
London N4 2PE
Case Officer: Graham Callam
Total Applications 1
Development Description:
Full Planning Permission FOR Residential development of 5
blocks ranging between 4 and 6 storeys to provide 109 residential
comprising 36 x 1 bed units, 37 x 2 bed units, 28 x 3 bed units and
8 x 4 bed units together with community space, associated
landscaping, car parking, cycle and refuse storage and alterations to
existing electrical sub-station
App No: 2010/1760
App Status: Registered
App Received Date: 14/07/2010
Agent: P C K O Architects
Agent Tel: 0208 864 7330
Address:Alexandra National House
Seven Sisters Road
London N4 2PE
Case Officer: Graham Callam
Total Applications 1
Development Description:
Full Planning Permission FOR Residential development of 5
blocks ranging between 4 and 6 storeys to provide 109 residential
comprising 36 x 1 bed units, 37 x 2 bed units, 28 x 3 bed units and
8 x 4 bed units together with community space, associated
landscaping, car parking, cycle and refuse storage and alterations to
existing electrical sub-station
Sunday, August 08, 2010
33 Blackstock Road, late night off-license application
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Planning application for demolition of front half of Lemsford Court, Kings Crescent
Application No: 2010/1878
App Status: Registered
App Received Date: 26/07/2010
Applicant: LBH
Agent: Miss Michelle Pearce
Agent Tel: 0208 356 2971
Site:32-55 Lemsford Court
Kings Crescent Estate
London N4 2XN
Case Officer: Graham Callam
Total Applications 2
Development Description:
Prior Notification - Demolition FOR Prior approval for
demolition of a 6 storey residential block and associated
underground car parking.
Please comment via the Planning part of the council website.
App Status: Registered
App Received Date: 26/07/2010
Applicant: LBH
Agent: Miss Michelle Pearce
Agent Tel: 0208 356 2971
Site:32-55 Lemsford Court
Kings Crescent Estate
London N4 2XN
Case Officer: Graham Callam
Total Applications 2
Development Description:
Prior Notification - Demolition FOR Prior approval for
demolition of a 6 storey residential block and associated
underground car parking.
Please comment via the Planning part of the council website.
Monday, July 12, 2010
July update
First reductions by the new government
The Tories and their Lib Dem partners have announced their first cuts in local government funding. Hackney loses £3.8 million immediately as follows –
Grant Loss
Department for Education Area Based Grant £2.072 million
Adult Social Services Area Based Grant £0.241 million
Working Neighbourhoods Fund £1.326 million
Preventing Extremism Grant £0.102 million
Home Office Area Based Grant £0.052 million
TOTAL £3.792 million
These are those they can do without needing budget approval or new legislation. More will follow after the emergency budget shortly.
Manor TRA
Oli attended their AGM on the 17th of June. Residents were pleased with youth activities planned for the area in the summer and felt there had been a recent reduction in ASB. They were exploring ways to make Amwell Court more green with new planting around the community centre.
Woodberry Down regeneration
Decanting has begun from Peak and Petherton and they are still on schedule to be demolished later this year. They are to be followed by Nichol and Needwood. A Compulsory Purchase Order is due to be made in July.
The Tories and their Lib Dem partners have announced their first cuts in local government funding. Hackney loses £3.8 million immediately as follows –
Grant Loss
Department for Education Area Based Grant £2.072 million
Adult Social Services Area Based Grant £0.241 million
Working Neighbourhoods Fund £1.326 million
Preventing Extremism Grant £0.102 million
Home Office Area Based Grant £0.052 million
TOTAL £3.792 million
These are those they can do without needing budget approval or new legislation. More will follow after the emergency budget shortly.
Manor TRA
Oli attended their AGM on the 17th of June. Residents were pleased with youth activities planned for the area in the summer and felt there had been a recent reduction in ASB. They were exploring ways to make Amwell Court more green with new planting around the community centre.
Woodberry Down regeneration
Decanting has begun from Peak and Petherton and they are still on schedule to be demolished later this year. They are to be followed by Nichol and Needwood. A Compulsory Purchase Order is due to be made in July.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Licensing application 308 Seven Sister Road
Please contact our Licensing Service - details via - about this if you wish to comment.
Premises:Food City Express
308 Seven Sisters Road
London N4 2AG
Ward: Brownswood
Applicant(s): Mr.Qureshi
Brief summary of application: Application for premises licence to allow supply of alcohol from 08:00 to 23:00 daily.
Closing date for representations: 19/07/2010
Premises:Food City Express
308 Seven Sisters Road
London N4 2AG
Ward: Brownswood
Applicant(s): Mr.Qureshi
Brief summary of application: Application for premises licence to allow supply of alcohol from 08:00 to 23:00 daily.
Closing date for representations: 19/07/2010
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
June report
The election campaign
We fought a hard campaign over many months in the run up to the local elections on the 6th of May. The calling of the 2010 General Election on the same day meant that turnout was almost double the usual. The final results were
Surname Other Names Party Votes
BELL Brian Labour 1,617
COGGINS Stuart Green 505
DE BOTTON Oli Labour 1,448
DEMIRCI Feryal Labour 1,225
KLEINBERG IAN A Conservatives 415
KLEINBERG YVONNE Conservatives 396
LANG Peter Simon Green 534
MARSH Sarah Liberal Democrats 903
PHILLIPS David John Liberal Democrats 825
REDWOOD Rebecca Green 506
SHARER Bella Liberal Democrats 654
WHITE Andrew Conservatives 329
We also won the mayoralty getting over 50% on the first count for the first time. And held both parliamentary seats with increased majorities.
We’d like to thank all those members who turned out to canvas, leaflet or help in any other way. In particular we might not be here if it wasn’t for the outstanding efforts of our Chair and Agent, Peter and Michael.
Labour Group and Council
Congratulations to Feryal who was appointed to the local cabinet. Her responsibilities include waste collection, street cleaning, recycling, enforcement, streetscene, local transportation, markets and parking control.
I was elected to chair the Labour Group, and Oli is Assistant Secretary.
Woodberry Down regeneration
We reported before that the previous government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. It will be a major worry that the new ConDem government may not be committed to this scheme, or indeed a couple of others in our ward.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses are now being decanted and will be demolished later this year. They are to be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years. We have made clear to officers that they must minimise the number of double decants, make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and ensure that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Clearance of the vegetation on the 268 Green Lanes site is beginning.
On the Old School Site, the concrete frame to the first shared ownership block, known as block E, is now complete and scaffolding is around it in preparation for the window and brickwork installation. The fitting out of the first social rented units is well advanced and the first two demonstration units should be complete for the end of June. Berkleys have also begun construction of the first of the private sale blocks.
Kings Crescent Estate
The east-west part of Lemsford is now largely internally demolished. The 4 remaining residents have all accepted offers elsewhere on the estate.
Refurbishments are now almost complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds, and Datchworth, and have started in Weston. All tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements, and some get new door entry systems.
A new pitched roof has been put on the part of Weston to be retained. All the voids there are now refurbished, and decanting of the east-west wing is beginning.
The plans for the retrofit to the southside are being amended to exclude the idea of hanging new balconies of the blocks which was unpopular with many residents.
The timing of the retrofit works and those to the retained part of Lemsford are being held up by the request from the TRA for a cap to leaseholder recharges. Now the Deputy Mayor has been reappointed, I’ll be pressing for an early resolution of this.
Portland Rise playground
I’m pleased to report that this is finally under construction.
New River Path
The section from the Castle to Woodberry Down has been relaid and recently re-opened. The full length will be completed as part of the Old School Site scheme.
Last word
The Greens whinged – “In both Clissold and Stoke Newington Central our six council candidates got more votes than any Green Party candidate ever has in Hackney. And we lost. By a lot. Frankly, there was simply nothing else we could have done.”
Councillor Brian Bell
We fought a hard campaign over many months in the run up to the local elections on the 6th of May. The calling of the 2010 General Election on the same day meant that turnout was almost double the usual. The final results were
Surname Other Names Party Votes
BELL Brian Labour 1,617
COGGINS Stuart Green 505
DE BOTTON Oli Labour 1,448
DEMIRCI Feryal Labour 1,225
KLEINBERG IAN A Conservatives 415
KLEINBERG YVONNE Conservatives 396
LANG Peter Simon Green 534
MARSH Sarah Liberal Democrats 903
PHILLIPS David John Liberal Democrats 825
REDWOOD Rebecca Green 506
SHARER Bella Liberal Democrats 654
WHITE Andrew Conservatives 329
We also won the mayoralty getting over 50% on the first count for the first time. And held both parliamentary seats with increased majorities.
We’d like to thank all those members who turned out to canvas, leaflet or help in any other way. In particular we might not be here if it wasn’t for the outstanding efforts of our Chair and Agent, Peter and Michael.
Labour Group and Council
Congratulations to Feryal who was appointed to the local cabinet. Her responsibilities include waste collection, street cleaning, recycling, enforcement, streetscene, local transportation, markets and parking control.
I was elected to chair the Labour Group, and Oli is Assistant Secretary.
Woodberry Down regeneration
We reported before that the previous government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. It will be a major worry that the new ConDem government may not be committed to this scheme, or indeed a couple of others in our ward.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses are now being decanted and will be demolished later this year. They are to be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years. We have made clear to officers that they must minimise the number of double decants, make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and ensure that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Clearance of the vegetation on the 268 Green Lanes site is beginning.
On the Old School Site, the concrete frame to the first shared ownership block, known as block E, is now complete and scaffolding is around it in preparation for the window and brickwork installation. The fitting out of the first social rented units is well advanced and the first two demonstration units should be complete for the end of June. Berkleys have also begun construction of the first of the private sale blocks.
Kings Crescent Estate
The east-west part of Lemsford is now largely internally demolished. The 4 remaining residents have all accepted offers elsewhere on the estate.
Refurbishments are now almost complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds, and Datchworth, and have started in Weston. All tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements, and some get new door entry systems.
A new pitched roof has been put on the part of Weston to be retained. All the voids there are now refurbished, and decanting of the east-west wing is beginning.
The plans for the retrofit to the southside are being amended to exclude the idea of hanging new balconies of the blocks which was unpopular with many residents.
The timing of the retrofit works and those to the retained part of Lemsford are being held up by the request from the TRA for a cap to leaseholder recharges. Now the Deputy Mayor has been reappointed, I’ll be pressing for an early resolution of this.
Portland Rise playground
I’m pleased to report that this is finally under construction.
New River Path
The section from the Castle to Woodberry Down has been relaid and recently re-opened. The full length will be completed as part of the Old School Site scheme.
Last word
The Greens whinged – “In both Clissold and Stoke Newington Central our six council candidates got more votes than any Green Party candidate ever has in Hackney. And we lost. By a lot. Frankly, there was simply nothing else we could have done.”
Councillor Brian Bell
Sunday, May 09, 2010
We Won!

Feryal and I are very happy to have been returned to represent Brownswood Ward again, and welcome Oli to the team.
The full results are here
We also want to thank Darren Parker for 4 fabulous years.
Brian Bell
Labour Councillor for Brownswood
London Borough of Hackney
Friday, April 16, 2010
Labour's Manifesto for Hackney Council
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hackney wins big at Local Government C Awards
Hackney was the big winner at the Local Government Chronicle's annual awards ceremony on 24th March, picking up three of the prestigious industry awards, more than any other Council.
The borough won top prize in the Children's Services, Employee Engagement and Place of the Year categories, as well as being second in the Council of the Year category. The borough was also a finalist in the adult social care category for Personalisation and Choice.
The Council's elected Mayor Jules Pipe and Chief Executive Tim Shields were joined at the awards ceremony by the Borough Commander Chief Superintendent Steve Bending, the Principal of Hackney Community College Ian Ashman and the Chief Executive of the Shoreditch Trust Michael Pyner.
In its write up of the night the LGC said; 'The biggest winner on the night was Hackney LBC who took home 3 awards.
Children's Services for a strategy that demonstrated a scale of ambition underpinned by a clear philosophy and a well structured delivery as well as showing a clear evidence of impact.
Employee Engagement for the strong emotional connection employees have with the borough and its people, both in their strong vision for the future, and in the involvement of staff across the organisation.
And finally Place of the Year for their ability to demonstrate again and again how their focus, partnerships, strategic and political leadership has made a real difference on the ground.'
The borough won top prize in the Children's Services, Employee Engagement and Place of the Year categories, as well as being second in the Council of the Year category. The borough was also a finalist in the adult social care category for Personalisation and Choice.
The Council's elected Mayor Jules Pipe and Chief Executive Tim Shields were joined at the awards ceremony by the Borough Commander Chief Superintendent Steve Bending, the Principal of Hackney Community College Ian Ashman and the Chief Executive of the Shoreditch Trust Michael Pyner.
In its write up of the night the LGC said; 'The biggest winner on the night was Hackney LBC who took home 3 awards.
Children's Services for a strategy that demonstrated a scale of ambition underpinned by a clear philosophy and a well structured delivery as well as showing a clear evidence of impact.
Employee Engagement for the strong emotional connection employees have with the borough and its people, both in their strong vision for the future, and in the involvement of staff across the organisation.
And finally Place of the Year for their ability to demonstrate again and again how their focus, partnerships, strategic and political leadership has made a real difference on the ground.'
Monday, March 01, 2010
My report for March
Budget 2010/11
At the council meeting on Wednesday 3rd March we expect to freeze the council tax for a record fifth year, the only council in the country to be able to achieve this.
This didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of 8 years hard work by this Labour administration to improve services and deliver them more efficiently. We are ranked as the top London borough for this and are third nationally.
The latest overall financial position is that the General Fund is coming in at £661k underspent, ie within 0.07% of budget. And this includes £3.5m of contingencies which are assumed spent. The next biggest element of our finances, the Housing Revenue Account is £607k underspent – again only a fraction off target.
The current capital programme includes £114m for housing schemes and £152m for other investment of which the biggest element is schools. Results include -
Refurbishment of Kings Crescent
Regeneration and interim repairs on Woodberry Down
New Skinners secondary school and extended WD primary
Clissold park and house works
Stoke Newington Town Hall reopened
New youth club on St Olaves/Apex site
Decent Homes works on Amwell Court, and next year St Johns Court
Highways, footways and lighting improvements, and tree planting
Hackney Service centre opened
At the same time resident perception has changed significantly with a rise in satisfaction of 12% in the last two years alone, distinctly against the national trend.
£27 million extra for Woodberry Down regeneration
We reported last time that the government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. This will see 187 social rented and 60 shared ownership homes built on two sites - Woodberry Grove North and the cleared site just south of the row of shops on Green Lanes. Work is set to begin in March 2010, with completion in 2012.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses will now be the next to be decanted and demolished. They may be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years. We have made clear to officers that they must minimise the number of double decants, make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and ensure that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Despite the cold weather, building work on the Old School Site continue to progress well with the Block F (33 homes for social rent) almost complete and Block G’s (84 for social rent) concrete structure being finished. Foundations for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
Kings Crescent Estate
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford was approved last Wednesday. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”. Works, including the demolition of the other half, should be underway in late May.
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds and soon to start in Datchworth and Weston. All tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements, and some get new balconies, extended flats and door entry systems. A number of improvements to practice have been made as we learned from the process.
The planning application for Weston and Datchworth east went in at the start of February. It proposes “the provision of a new roof to Datchworth Court and Weston Court and replacement of existing windows in Weston Court with new UPVC windows”. Approval is expected by mid March. The amount which can be recharged to leaseholders for all of these works, is as before a major issue.
Neighbourhood housing management
The current contracts all come up for renewal in the next 18 months. This is due to be considered at the Cabinet meeting on Monday.
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a pathfinder project. Carefully designed climbing, balancing and water features are proposed. Planning permission was approved on the 3rd of February with work to begin by mid March.
Clapton Library
The successfully refurbished building reopened this month – some information here The new main library being provided as part of the Dalston Lane South development is also on schedule.
Alexandra National House
The government have also approved approx £10 million in total funding, to rebuild Alex Nat. This was under the Local Authority New Build programme and will provide 67 units of pure council housing. This will mean detailed planning for the social element and outline planning for the whole of the site, being sought by July 2010, with a start on site by end September 2010 and completion by 31 March 2012. In both Rounds 1 and 2, the council was the most successful in London and second nationally. Hackney secured £16.2 million funding, or 23% of the total in London.
Councillor Brian Bell
At the council meeting on Wednesday 3rd March we expect to freeze the council tax for a record fifth year, the only council in the country to be able to achieve this.
This didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of 8 years hard work by this Labour administration to improve services and deliver them more efficiently. We are ranked as the top London borough for this and are third nationally.
The latest overall financial position is that the General Fund is coming in at £661k underspent, ie within 0.07% of budget. And this includes £3.5m of contingencies which are assumed spent. The next biggest element of our finances, the Housing Revenue Account is £607k underspent – again only a fraction off target.
The current capital programme includes £114m for housing schemes and £152m for other investment of which the biggest element is schools. Results include -
Refurbishment of Kings Crescent
Regeneration and interim repairs on Woodberry Down
New Skinners secondary school and extended WD primary
Clissold park and house works
Stoke Newington Town Hall reopened
New youth club on St Olaves/Apex site
Decent Homes works on Amwell Court, and next year St Johns Court
Highways, footways and lighting improvements, and tree planting
Hackney Service centre opened
At the same time resident perception has changed significantly with a rise in satisfaction of 12% in the last two years alone, distinctly against the national trend.
£27 million extra for Woodberry Down regeneration
We reported last time that the government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. This will see 187 social rented and 60 shared ownership homes built on two sites - Woodberry Grove North and the cleared site just south of the row of shops on Green Lanes. Work is set to begin in March 2010, with completion in 2012.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses will now be the next to be decanted and demolished. They may be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years. We have made clear to officers that they must minimise the number of double decants, make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and ensure that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Despite the cold weather, building work on the Old School Site continue to progress well with the Block F (33 homes for social rent) almost complete and Block G’s (84 for social rent) concrete structure being finished. Foundations for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
Kings Crescent Estate
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford was approved last Wednesday. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”. Works, including the demolition of the other half, should be underway in late May.
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds and soon to start in Datchworth and Weston. All tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements, and some get new balconies, extended flats and door entry systems. A number of improvements to practice have been made as we learned from the process.
The planning application for Weston and Datchworth east went in at the start of February. It proposes “the provision of a new roof to Datchworth Court and Weston Court and replacement of existing windows in Weston Court with new UPVC windows”. Approval is expected by mid March. The amount which can be recharged to leaseholders for all of these works, is as before a major issue.
Neighbourhood housing management
The current contracts all come up for renewal in the next 18 months. This is due to be considered at the Cabinet meeting on Monday.
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a pathfinder project. Carefully designed climbing, balancing and water features are proposed. Planning permission was approved on the 3rd of February with work to begin by mid March.
Clapton Library
The successfully refurbished building reopened this month – some information here The new main library being provided as part of the Dalston Lane South development is also on schedule.
Alexandra National House
The government have also approved approx £10 million in total funding, to rebuild Alex Nat. This was under the Local Authority New Build programme and will provide 67 units of pure council housing. This will mean detailed planning for the social element and outline planning for the whole of the site, being sought by July 2010, with a start on site by end September 2010 and completion by 31 March 2012. In both Rounds 1 and 2, the council was the most successful in London and second nationally. Hackney secured £16.2 million funding, or 23% of the total in London.
Councillor Brian Bell
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
February report
£27 million extra for Woodberry Down regeneration
The government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. This will see 187 social rented and 60 shared ownership homes built on two sites. One is next to the new secondary school and known as Woodberry Grove North. The other is the cleared site just south of the row of shops on Green Lanes, which is in Brownswood. Work is set to begin in March 2010, with some complete by 2012.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses will now be the next to be decanted and demolished. They may be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years.
We need to work to minimise the number of double decants, to make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Building work on the Old School Site is progressing well with the cores of both Block F (33 homes for social rent) and Block G (84 for social rent) finished and the concrete structure being completed. Foundations for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
Kings Crescent Estate
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds and soon to start in Datchworth. Tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements. On some of the southern side, new balconies are to be constructed, flats extended and door entry sytems installed.
One major issue was the occupation of the podium at Lemsford Court by squatters during 6th November. We successfully pressed for an eviction as soon as possible, and they were gone again by the start of December. Many residents felt that a Lib Dem leaflet a week before the occupation was one of the things that attracted them to the block. They also got support from the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate.
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford went in in December. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”.
The application for Weston and Datchworth east went in this week. It proposes “the provision of a new roof to Datchworth Court and Weston Court and replacement of existing windows in Weston Court with new UPVC windows”.
Neighbourhood housing management
The current contracts all come up for renewal in the next 18 months.
Clissold Park and House
The refurbishment of the park and house has begun with the opening of the temporary cafĂ©, a ranger’s office and tennis club offices. A contractor’s compound is being created to the west of the paddling pool. Further information is available on -
Council meeting
We used our questions at last Wednesday’s council meeting to highlight the new resources for Woodberry Down and Alexandra National, for the home energy saving programme, and to press for enhanced community safety measures on our estates.
Manor House Area Action Plan
The council is preparing a masterplan for the area surrounding the station, to attempt to complement the regeneration of the estate. Initial public consultation events take place at Woodberry Down Primary on 9th February and at the West Reservoir on 11th February (both 6-8pm) -
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a government pathfinder project. Carefully designed climbing, balancing and water features are proposed. Planning permission is being considered on the 3rd of February.
Stoke Newington Municipal Buildings
The successfully refurbished Town and Assembly Halls reopened this month – some images here or
Hackney Service Centre
The new building behind Hackney Town Hall which will now be the main point of call for most council services, also opened this week. It was an investment in public service entirely opposed by the Hackney Tories.
Alexandra National House
The government have also approved approx £10 million in total funding, to rebuild Alex Nat. This was under a programme termed Local Authority New Build and will provide 67 units of council housing.
In both Rounds 1 and 2, the council was the most successful in London and second nationally. Hackney secured £16.2 million funding, or 23% of the total in London.
Councillor Brian Bell
The government’s Homes and Communities Agency has approved an extra £27m to fund affordable housing on Woodberry Down. This will see 187 social rented and 60 shared ownership homes built on two sites. One is next to the new secondary school and known as Woodberry Grove North. The other is the cleared site just south of the row of shops on Green Lanes, which is in Brownswood. Work is set to begin in March 2010, with some complete by 2012.
The phasing plan for the estate has been varied to mean that Peak and Petherton houses will now be the next to be decanted and demolished. They may be followed by Nichol and Needwood. Spring Park Drive will remain as it is for the next 4 years.
We need to work to minimise the number of double decants, to make sure any interim accommodation is of the highest standard, and that the needs of vulnerable residents are carefully taken into account at each stage.
Building work on the Old School Site is progressing well with the cores of both Block F (33 homes for social rent) and Block G (84 for social rent) finished and the concrete structure being completed. Foundations for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
Kings Crescent Estate
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield, Bramfield, Theobalds and soon to start in Datchworth. Tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements. On some of the southern side, new balconies are to be constructed, flats extended and door entry sytems installed.
One major issue was the occupation of the podium at Lemsford Court by squatters during 6th November. We successfully pressed for an eviction as soon as possible, and they were gone again by the start of December. Many residents felt that a Lib Dem leaflet a week before the occupation was one of the things that attracted them to the block. They also got support from the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate.
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford went in in December. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”.
The application for Weston and Datchworth east went in this week. It proposes “the provision of a new roof to Datchworth Court and Weston Court and replacement of existing windows in Weston Court with new UPVC windows”.
Neighbourhood housing management
The current contracts all come up for renewal in the next 18 months.
Clissold Park and House
The refurbishment of the park and house has begun with the opening of the temporary cafĂ©, a ranger’s office and tennis club offices. A contractor’s compound is being created to the west of the paddling pool. Further information is available on -
Council meeting
We used our questions at last Wednesday’s council meeting to highlight the new resources for Woodberry Down and Alexandra National, for the home energy saving programme, and to press for enhanced community safety measures on our estates.
Manor House Area Action Plan
The council is preparing a masterplan for the area surrounding the station, to attempt to complement the regeneration of the estate. Initial public consultation events take place at Woodberry Down Primary on 9th February and at the West Reservoir on 11th February (both 6-8pm) -
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a government pathfinder project. Carefully designed climbing, balancing and water features are proposed. Planning permission is being considered on the 3rd of February.
Stoke Newington Municipal Buildings
The successfully refurbished Town and Assembly Halls reopened this month – some images here or
Hackney Service Centre
The new building behind Hackney Town Hall which will now be the main point of call for most council services, also opened this week. It was an investment in public service entirely opposed by the Hackney Tories.
Alexandra National House
The government have also approved approx £10 million in total funding, to rebuild Alex Nat. This was under a programme termed Local Authority New Build and will provide 67 units of council housing.
In both Rounds 1 and 2, the council was the most successful in London and second nationally. Hackney secured £16.2 million funding, or 23% of the total in London.
Councillor Brian Bell
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Alexandra National House
As most of you know "Alex Nat" at the top of Queens Drive, was demolished two years ago as part of a regeneration programme. However this was affected by the credit crunch and uncertainty in the property market, and the scheme stalled.
We have continued to search for alternative funding sources, and on Tuesday it was announced that we had been successful in bidding to a government scheme called Local Authority New Build 2.
The government are giving us £4.9 million in grant, with Hackney contributing the same.
This will allow us to build 67 brand new council homes.
Consultation on the planning application should begin before the end of the month, with an on site start by April if approved.
It was one or two such schemes approved on Tuesday, which means that together with two approved in Round 1 last autumn, Hackney has been by far the most successful authority in London.
We have continued to search for alternative funding sources, and on Tuesday it was announced that we had been successful in bidding to a government scheme called Local Authority New Build 2.
The government are giving us £4.9 million in grant, with Hackney contributing the same.
This will allow us to build 67 brand new council homes.
Consultation on the planning application should begin before the end of the month, with an on site start by April if approved.
It was one or two such schemes approved on Tuesday, which means that together with two approved in Round 1 last autumn, Hackney has been by far the most successful authority in London.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Year update
Kings Crescent Estate
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield and Bramfield, and starting in Theobalds with other blocks programmed as previously advised. Tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements. On some of the southern side, new balconies are to be constructed and flats extended. We are pushing to find funding to extend this, and to bring the CCTV system back into use.
We’re currently tendering for a specialist to develop a masterplan for the cleared areas of the estate. Their brief will include investigating sources of funding, as well as developing a future design based on what residents want.
One major issue was the occupation of the podium at Lemsford Court by squatters during 6th November. We successfully pressed for many actions to contain the damage they were doing, and for an eviction as soon as possible. This was successfully achieved and they were gone again by the start of December.
Many residents felt that a Lib Dem leaflet a week before the occupation was one of the things that attracted them to the block. They also got support from the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate.
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford went in in December. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”.
Clissold Park
The refurbishment of the park takes major steps forward this month with the arrival of the temporary cafe which will serve park users until Clissold House reopens in early 2011. Further modular buildings in the bandstand area will provide WCs (complete with baby changing facilities), a rangers office and house the tennis club until the new tennis clubrooms at 3 Queen Elizabeth Walk are ready in summer 2010. Further information is available on -
Polling station for District D
I was asked by the Manor ETRA to again take up the issue of the location of the polling station for CD district, i.e. Myddleton Grange, St Johns Court and Amwell Court. I’m pleased to report it has now been relocated to the Amwell Court Estate Hall.
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a government pathfinder project. Initially this had been envisaged as a number of small features for pre-teens but following consultation with residents, a more traditional playground for all ages is now proposed between Nottingham and Balmoral Houses. Planning permission was applied for just before Xmas.
Council performance
The Audit Commission continues to recognise the improved performance across the council. Its draft organisational assessment for this year rates us 2nd best in London and 4th nationally at achieving efficiencies.
They said “Hackney Council continues to build on its good track record and delivers good outcomes for local people. Satisfaction with the way the council runs things continues to improve and is similar to the London average. 7 out of 10 people are satisfied with Hackney as a place to live. More than 62% say that they get fair treatment from local services. 4 in 10 say that they can influence local decisions, which is better than average.
Good improvements have been made in services that local people say matter most including adult social care, the environment, housing, improving leisure services and in reducing crime. This builds on improvements in previous years.
The Council is working well with other public services, voluntary organisations and businesses to improve the quality of life for local people. In partnership, the Council has helped local people to find jobs and has improved the area through regeneration.”
Stoke Newington Municipal Buildings
The successfully refurbished Town and Assembly Halls reopen on the 14th January with a 1940’s themed party.
Woodberry Down Estate
We are still seeking to complete the regeneration on an incremental basis, and in the meantime an interim repairs package has been agreed. We have been negotiating to ensure that residents from Spring Park Drive and from Peak and Petherton, are among the first to be moved into the new flats.
Building work on the Old School Site is progressing well with the cores of both Block F (33 homes for social rent) and Block G (84 for social rent) finished and the concrete structure being completed. Foundation piles for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
The section of the New River Walk from the Castle to the boundary of the old school site is to be relaid this January, with the rest to follow as part of the wider scheme.
Councillor Brian Bell
Refurbishments are now largely complete in Kelshall, Therfield and Bramfield, and starting in Theobalds with other blocks programmed as previously advised. Tenants are getting new kitchens and bathrooms, together with rewiring and associated improvements. On some of the southern side, new balconies are to be constructed and flats extended. We are pushing to find funding to extend this, and to bring the CCTV system back into use.
We’re currently tendering for a specialist to develop a masterplan for the cleared areas of the estate. Their brief will include investigating sources of funding, as well as developing a future design based on what residents want.
One major issue was the occupation of the podium at Lemsford Court by squatters during 6th November. We successfully pressed for many actions to contain the damage they were doing, and for an eviction as soon as possible. This was successfully achieved and they were gone again by the start of December.
Many residents felt that a Lib Dem leaflet a week before the occupation was one of the things that attracted them to the block. They also got support from the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate.
The planning application for the refurbishment of the retained part of Lemsford went in in December. It provides for the “erection of a single storey front/side extension at ground floor level to provide a secure entrance, cycle store and lifts; installation of a new metal pitched roof; installation of new UPVC windows and doors; and a new glazing to walkways on the north elevation”.
Clissold Park
The refurbishment of the park takes major steps forward this month with the arrival of the temporary cafe which will serve park users until Clissold House reopens in early 2011. Further modular buildings in the bandstand area will provide WCs (complete with baby changing facilities), a rangers office and house the tennis club until the new tennis clubrooms at 3 Queen Elizabeth Walk are ready in summer 2010. Further information is available on -
Polling station for District D
I was asked by the Manor ETRA to again take up the issue of the location of the polling station for CD district, i.e. Myddleton Grange, St Johns Court and Amwell Court. I’m pleased to report it has now been relocated to the Amwell Court Estate Hall.
Portland Rise playground
I had previously bid for funding for new play equipment as part of a government pathfinder project. Initially this had been envisaged as a number of small features for pre-teens but following consultation with residents, a more traditional playground for all ages is now proposed between Nottingham and Balmoral Houses. Planning permission was applied for just before Xmas.
Council performance
The Audit Commission continues to recognise the improved performance across the council. Its draft organisational assessment for this year rates us 2nd best in London and 4th nationally at achieving efficiencies.
They said “Hackney Council continues to build on its good track record and delivers good outcomes for local people. Satisfaction with the way the council runs things continues to improve and is similar to the London average. 7 out of 10 people are satisfied with Hackney as a place to live. More than 62% say that they get fair treatment from local services. 4 in 10 say that they can influence local decisions, which is better than average.
Good improvements have been made in services that local people say matter most including adult social care, the environment, housing, improving leisure services and in reducing crime. This builds on improvements in previous years.
The Council is working well with other public services, voluntary organisations and businesses to improve the quality of life for local people. In partnership, the Council has helped local people to find jobs and has improved the area through regeneration.”
Stoke Newington Municipal Buildings
The successfully refurbished Town and Assembly Halls reopen on the 14th January with a 1940’s themed party.
Woodberry Down Estate
We are still seeking to complete the regeneration on an incremental basis, and in the meantime an interim repairs package has been agreed. We have been negotiating to ensure that residents from Spring Park Drive and from Peak and Petherton, are among the first to be moved into the new flats.
Building work on the Old School Site is progressing well with the cores of both Block F (33 homes for social rent) and Block G (84 for social rent) finished and the concrete structure being completed. Foundation piles for Block E (46 shared ownership) have been laid and the cores are going up. Construction of the new secondary school remains on schedule.
The section of the New River Walk from the Castle to the boundary of the old school site is to be relaid this January, with the rest to follow as part of the wider scheme.
Councillor Brian Bell
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