Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New planning application for the Woodberry Down Estate

This application, particularly Phase 2, falls mostly in Brownswood Ward. Please comment by noting the appllication number and going to the planning portal at the hackney.gov.uk site.

Application Number: 2010/2982
Date Received: 01/12/2010
Validation Date: 08/12/2010

Agent: Rolfe Judd Planning
Agent Tel: 75561500

Phase 1b and 2 Woodberry Down
London London N4 2TG
Development Case Officer: Ron Madell

Description:The redevelopment of the site to provide a
mix of 733 affordable and private residential
units, a 2.263 sqm health facility, 992 sqm
commericial floorspace, associated amenity
space including a new park, underground car
parking and cycle parking. The scheme
comprises the erection of six blocks ranging in
height from 3 storeys to 9 storeys.

Comment by 6th January

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Dont miss out on Winter Wonderland in Hackney

Hackney Winter Festival 2-5 December, St John-at-Hackney Churchyard E5, 8am-7pm.Hackney Winter Festival 2 - 5 December, 2010, St John-at-Hackney Churchyard, 8am-7pm

Get your skates on at an ice rink, for those aged four and above with tickets at £4 for adults and £2.50 for children, including skate hire. Tickets are available at the rink or from the Hackney Empire box office.

The Hackney Winter Festival is organised by Hackney Council in partnership with St John-at-Hackney Church, and shops and businesses in the Narrow Way.