Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Brownswood Ward Forum: Your ward, your say

The Music Room, Parkwood School
Queens Drive
London N4 2HQ
Meet your local councillors, raise local issues and explore opportunities to improve our area!
Your local Ward Councillors Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci warmly invite you to the first Brownswood Ward Forum.
At this first meeting we will be discussing:
Kings Crescent
redevelopment plans
§         Environmental projects in our ward
We’d also like to hear from you about some of the small things we could do together to help improve our local area and the best way of shaping future forum meetings.  Brownswood Ward residents are all welcome, we would be grateful if you could also publicise this in your community and your organisation

Email us on Brownswood@hackney.gov.uk

Your ward, your say!

Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci

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