Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Brownswood Ward Forum

The next  Brownswood Ward Forum is on: Monday 18th November 2013, 7.30 pm at the Music Room, Parkwood Primary school Queens Drive, N4 2HQ

The agenda for the ward forum is as below:

1.      Minutes, actions and updates
·        Draft Finsbury Park Supplementary Planning Document
·        Update on planning application 350-352 Seven Sisters Road
·        Update on waste and recycling

2.      School placement projections
  •                Marian Lavelle, Hackney Learning Trust. 

3.       Ward boundary update

4.      A.O.B

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our July report

Councillors Report – July 2013

Finsbury Park Supplementary Planning Document

Islington, supported by Hackney and Haringey, are leading on the preparation of a SPD for Finsbury Park. The area covered has includes all of Blackstock as far south as Highbury Vale police station, and to the petrol station site on Seven Sisters Road.

This draft SPD summarises the planning policies that should be addressed by future development proposals, planning and design issues particular to the area, and some of the key information that an applicant should include in any future applications. Some of the more interesting ideas include –

* redeveloping the Rowan’s site to provide a better gateway into the park

* improving conditions beneath the railway viaducts including exploring the option of opening up another arch to separate foot and motor traffic along Stroud Green Road

* promoting the entrances to Gillespie Park and the Parkland Walk

The public consultation was held between Monday 1 July 2013 and Monday 12 August 2013. There were three drop-in sessions in the area on the following dates:

Saturday 13 July 2013, 11am -2pm, N4 Library, 26 Blackstock Road, London N4 2DW

Monday 15 July 2013, 5pm - 8pm, The Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, London N4 3JP

Tuesday 16 July 2013, 3pm - 6pm, The Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, London N4 3JP

Information on the public consultation, including a copy of the draft SPD, will be available from the Council’s website (www.islington.gov.uk/finsburypark) from Monday 1 July 2013. An information leaflet will be distributed to properties within the catchment area this week. An online survey has been set up to gather feedback and comments, which can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/66L7TLS .

If you have any queries or would like a paper copy of the draft SPD, the lead officer is Deanna Walker on 020 7527 1825 or by email at deanna.walker@islington.gov.uk .

Kings Crescent regeneration

The planning application for the detailed design of the north side of the estate is scheduled to go to the planning committee on 31st July. Go here and search for 2013/1128. It includes both the final stages of refurbishment of the existing blocks, and substantial new build. It will achieve 101 refurbished flats for current residents, 107 new affordable units (79 rent, 28 shared ownership), and 155 new private units.

The procurement process to appoint a developer is also well underway and we hope to appoint in late July. If all goes to plan, preparatory works will begin this autumn.

The second stage of the refurbishment is almost complete with new windows being installed at Therfield, Datchworth and Theobalds courts.


Licensing authorities are entitled to declare a “special policy area” if they can prove that licensed premises have reached saturation point in a particular area such that they are massively affecting the quality of life. We already have such an area in central Shoreditch, which has been largely successful in resisting new bars.

This month we approved a consultation on also introducing one along the A10 corridor north and south of central Dalston. Having an SPA means that the normal assumption that a license be granted is reversed, and that new or variation licenses are only granted in exceptional circumstances.

Woodberry Down regeneration

The review of the masterplan continues. Some elements may include -

# Opening the southside of some blocks to enhance views and light

# Many more retail units along the northside of Seven Sisters Road

# Changes to the phasing of redevelopment

Once the partners have internally finalised a draft new masterplan, it will be subject to public consultation next year.

The resident group, the Woodberry Down Community Organisation is also going through the process of re-electing it’s board. For the first time seats are reserved for the completed private blocks.

Three sites have now been completed and handed over – the latest Horston and Sherwood ahead of schedule. Construction is now up to it’s full height on the “3 Ps” site which will be 100% social housing.


The annual estate “fun day” is this Saturday from 1-4pm on The Green, the newly created park on Woodberry Grove North.

The Finsbury Park Trust is born

The organisation formerly known as the Finfuture, has now formally changed it’s name to the Finsbury Park Trust which was Brian’s proposal. It intends to free up resources to be more effective as the voluntary sector lead in the regeneration of the area, and will soon be officially relaunched.

Attainment of deprived children

Ofsted has recently published a report analysing and commenting on children who do not perform well at school, asking whether schools are paying underachieving children enough attention. A significant number of children who underachieve are also on free school meals, although not all. The report, called ‘Unseen children’ is available on the Ofsted website. Hackney is in either the top five or top 10 percent among local authorities, on each of the four indicators, and joint second in the country on one.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Brownswood Ward Forum


It's time for our ward forum again where we get to discuss the issues that matter to our local area here in Brownswood ward. 
Please join us for the Brownswood Ward Forum

On Wednesday 17th July 2013, 7 pm
Music Room, Parkwood Primary School
The agenda for the evening is follows:

1.      Minutes, actions and updates
2.      Discussion on homelessness and hostels in the ward
3.       Finsbury Park draft Supplementary Planning Document.(Consultation on the draft plan runs is open from 1st July 2013 to the 12th August 2013)
 4.   Update on Blackstock Road festival

We look forward to seeing you. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

June update

Councillors Report – June 2013

Kings Crescent regeneration

Initial consultation on the planning application for the detailed design of the north side of the estate ended on 20th May. Go here and search for 2013/1128. It included both the final stages of refurbishment of the existing blocks, and substantial new build.

We hope to get it to a planning committee in July, and to start work in the late autumn. It will achieve 101 refurbished flats for current residents, 107 new affordable units (79 for rent, 28 for shared ownership), and 155 new units for private sale.

The procurement process to appoint a developer is also well underway and we hope to announce the outcome on 25th July.

The second stage of the refurbishment is almost complete. New windows are being installed at Therfield, Datchworth and Theobalds courts. Teething problems with the fobs and door entry systems are being sorted out but on the whole residents report feeling a lot safer. We are also proposing to install a new and more accessible temporary community centre, which can later be reused elsewhere.

Finsbury Park

Islington, supported by Hackney and Haringey, are leading on the preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document for Finsbury Park

This draft SPD summarises the planning policies that should be addressed by future development proposals, planning and design issues particular to the area, and some of the key information that an applicant should include in any future applications. Some of the more interesting ideas include –

* redeveloping the Rowan’s site to provide a better gateway into the park

* enhancing shopfronts and public space

* improving conditions beneath the railway viaducts including exploring the option of opening up another arch to separate foot and motor traffic along Stroud Green Road

* promoting the entrances to Gillespie Park and the Parkland Walk

The draft is scheduled to go to Hackney’s June Cabinet for approval to consult for an initial 6 weeks. The area covered has expanded to cover all of Blackstock as far south as Highbury Vale police station and the petrol station site on Seven Sisters Road.

Woodberry Down regeneration

A masterplan for the overall scheme was agreed over 10 years. However because of the “credit crunch” and changes in funding regimes, this had to be substantially departed from to keep work going. As a result provision of some of the community facilities were delayed and a second tower block was allowed.

The resident’s organisation WDCO have been in negotiation with the other partners for almost a year now over a new masterplan. Some elements may include -

# Opening the southside of some blocks to enhance views and light

# Many more retail units along the northside of Seven Sisters Road

# Changes to the phasing of redevelopment

Once the parties have internally finalised a draft new masterplan, it will be subject to public consultation next year.

Construction is now up to it’s full height on the “3 Ps” site which will be 100% social housing. The second site to be fully completed, Woodberry Grove North was handed over on schedule earlier in the year and residents have moved in, while the third block, Horston and Sherwood, is due to complete within two months.

2nd Playstreet

A 2nd playstreet was recently launched by residents of Heron Drive on the Myddleton Grange estate. The council has been enabling these.

The Park Theatre

We were pleased to support the opening night of this excellent new venture in Clifton Terrace, just north of the train and tube station. Check out http://parktheatre.co.uk/

Ward Forum

Our fourth ward forum is scheduled for 17th July, and suggestions for agenda items are welcome. Amongst other issues, the last meeting discussed the new funding that has been awarded to the Manor House Development Trust to address home insulation and fuel poverty in the ward, and plans for a Blackstock Road festival.

Five pledges

When we stood for election in 2010, we made five main pledges –

1. Complete the refurbishment of King's Crescent Estate and create new homes on the Alexandra National House site – see above for Kings Crescent. Residents have moved into the redeveloped ANH site delivering 70% new council homes.

2. Deliver a new youth centre on Woodberry Down – The Edge opened late last year.

3. Open a police base on Blackstock Road – the base opened 3 years ago. Whether it will survive Boris Johnson’s cuts in police funding remains a concern.

4. Implement a cycle route through the ward – the route runs from the western gate to Finsbury Park through the ward entering Clissold Park at the White House gate, and eventually connects to the Olympic Park.

5. Fight for a cleaner and safer Finsbury Park – the three boroughs signed up to the Finsbury Park Accord last year. Feryal represents us on a working party to oversee implementation. As above, the SPD is due for public consultation next month.

Councillors Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 2013 councillors report

Councillors Report – May 2013

Ward Boundaries

The Local Government Boundary Commission have confirmed their final decisions in respect of Hackney which can be found here LGBCE - Hackney FER

As you can see they have maintained their initial position to create two new two member wards. One is to be called Brownswood but only west of Green Lanes and Portland Rise. The areas east of these are to go into a new two member ward called Woodberry Down, which also takes in areas further east.

The only change in the final stage was to take all properties accessed from Portland Rise into the new Woodberry Down one, rather than only those on the eastern side of the street as per the previous proposal.

Kings Crescent regeneration

The planning application for the detailed design of the north side of the estate is now live. Go here and search for 2013/1128. It includes both the final stages of refurbishment of the existing blocks, and substantial new build, including the conversion of the rows of garages to flats, addressing one of the original design flaws.

We hope to get it to a planning committee in the summer, and to start work in the late autumn. It will achieve 101 refurbished flats for current residents, 107 new affordable units (79 for rent, 28 for shared ownership), and 155 new units for private sale. It includes provision in the courtyard of Therfield Court for growing plots to continue the successful gardening project.

The second stage of the refurbishment is almost complete. New windows are being installed at Therfield, Datchworth and Theobalds courts. Teething problems with the fobs and door entry systems are being sorted out but on the whole residents report feeling a lot safer.

We are also proposing to install a new and more accessible temporary community centre, which can later be reused elsewhere.

Manor House Area Action Plan

Fairview Homes held a recent consultation on their proposals to develop the UNITE /T&GWU building on Green Lanes. They want to develop 100 homes of which approx 30% will be affordable. Heights vary from 4 to 9 storeys. They now seem prepared to guarantee a publicly accessible route though the development to the New River path.

Finsbury Park

The London Borough of Islington, supported by Hackney and Haringey, is leading on the preparation of the Finsbury Park Supplementary Planning Document.

This draft SPD summarises the main planning policies that should be addressed by future development proposals, planning and design issues particular to the area, and some of the key information that an applicant should include in any future planning application. The recommendations try to reflect the relevant policies from each of the three authorities’ Development Plans and the London Plan to provide a more unified vision for the continuing regeneration of Finsbury Park Town Centre. The SPD results from the Finsbury Park Accord agreed by the three boroughs in June 2012.

The draft is scheduled to go to Hackney’s June Cabinet for approval to consult for an initial 6 weeks. The area covered has expanded to cover all of Blackstock as far south as Highbury Vale police station and the petrol station site on Seven Sisters Road.

Woodberry Down regeneration

Construction is now up to almost it’s full height on the “3 Ps” site which will be 100% social housing. The second site to be fully completed, Woodberry Grove North was handed over on schedule earlier in the year and residents have moved in. The third block, Horston and Sherwood, is due to complete within two months.

The new Woodberry Grove North Park was formally opened on Saturday 6th April, as was The Edge youth centre.

The London Wildlife Trust are developing proposals to link up both reservoirs, with the East Reservoir being maintained as a potential drinking supply and a wetlands centre for birds. Their aim was to refurbish the listed pump house as a café/interpretation centre, provide controlled access around both reservoirs, and install a floating board walk in the East. The Heritage Lottery have provided £700K of development funds

Building Lives Academy

Within all of the regeneration schemes we run, we try to get as much local labour used as possible. This new project provides training and mentoring for Hackney young people to help ensure they are ready for these opportunities. More here on YouTube.

Ward Forum

We held our third ward forum this month. These open meetings are opportunities to discuss issues that affect the ward with members of the public. Amongst other issues, we discussed the new funding that has been awarded to the Manor House Development Trust to address home insulation and fuel poverty in the ward, and plans for a Blackstock Road festival.

Police numbers

Sign our petition against the reduction in police numbers More Police for Hackney thru the council website.

Councillors Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April update

Councillors Report – April 2013

2014 Elections

The government is consulting on whether to move the council and European elections due in the spring and summer of 2014. It looks likely that both will be on 22nd May.

Parkwood School

Two candidates have now been shortlisted for Head following a second round of advertising. Interviews are scheduled for 17th April.

Kings Crescent regeneration

Residents discussed the detailed design of the north side of the estate in late March. This will see the conversion of the rows of garages along the northside to flats, addressing one of the original design flaws. Plans are now available.

We hope to get it to a planning committee in the summer, and to start work in the late autumn. It will achieve 101 refurbished flats for current residents, 107 new affordable units (79 for rent, 28 for shared ownership), and 155 new units for private sale

The second stage of the refurbishment is almost complete. New windows are also being installed at Therfield Court, with Datchworth and Theobalds to follow shortly. Teething problems with the fob and door entry systems are being sorted out.

We successfully bid for £30k with £78k of council funding, from a GLA initiative to create “pocket parks” in the green spaces along Queens Drive.

Manor House Area Action Plan

We have met with residents affected by the proposal to redevelop the UNITE /T&GWU building on Green Lanes.

Finsbury Park

As previously reported Hackney, Islington and Haringey council have agreed a programme of joint working around Finsbury Park town centre including producing a supplementary planning document for it to guide future development. (Pictured)

Staff from around the council joined colleagues from Islington to spruce up Blackstock Road as part of this year's Capital Spring Clean Week. This year the team tackled a variety of issues to help improve highstreets and chose to work on a road on Hackney's border as part of a new partnership with Islington Council. We've recently signed new agreements with both Islington and Haringey to make sure that we provide more consistent services in neighbourhoods which border with other authorities.

As well as carrying out street cleansing activities, officers cleared tagging on a resident's wall, removed some fly-tipped builders' waste from a garden and scraped off more than 300 stickers which had been plastered on shopfronts.

Officers also answered questions from residents and businesses about time banded collections and trade waste agreements. The commercial waste team spoke to 25 businesses who were not signed up to have their trade waste collected by the council. By law all businesses must have an agreement with an authorised carrier for the safe disposal of their waste. Businesses do not have to use the council's service, but those without a trade waste agreement at all can face unlimited fines.

At an EGM on 25th March, Finfuture agreed to change it’s name to the Finsbury Park Trust to try to better reflect it’s aims and activities, first proposed by Brian.

Woodberry Down regeneration

Construction is now up to 4 storeys on the “3 Ps” site. This will be 100% social housing.

We are investigating reports from residents on the Old School Site of problems with the new heating systems and higher than expected bills.

The new Woodberry Grove North Park is to be formally opened at 12.30pm on Saturday 6th April, with the youth club hopefully to follow at 4pm - see here.

Transfer of public health

On 1st April responsibility for public health returned to local authorities. This includes -

• School medical inspections, and children’s public health (initially 5–19)

• Sexual health advice and clinics

• Seasonal mortality initiatives

• Drug, alcohol and tobacco misuse prevention

• Community obesity programmes

Funding of approx £29m is initially provided but may quickly reduce.

Community safety/policing

The most recent CAP meeting saw the introduction of yet another new sergeant, Richard Berns. The local priorities remained much the same.

Benefit changes

The 1st April sees the introduction of significant changes. Anybody except pensioners will now pay at least 15% of their council tax. Housing benefit will be capped, and reduced if residents are judged to be “underoccupying”. Approx 1000 to 1500 households are estimated affected by the former and 4000 households by the latter. While the council is

 publicising the changes

 co-ordinating with advice agencies and other partners

 helping those who wish to move where we can

 using our (very limited) discretionary hardship funding

there can be no doubt that these will have a major detrimental impact.

Councillors Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci

Friday, March 22, 2013

New 103 bed hostel application - 350-356 Seven Sisters Road

Application Number: 2013/0807
Applicant: Topclass Investments Limited

Date Received: 05/03/2013
Validation Date: 12/03/2013
Comment by 2nd April 2013

Agent: Nicholas Taylor and Associates Tel: 02079288955

Development Case Officer: Marie Joseph

Description: Demolition of central hostel building at 352 and 354 Seven Sisters Road and erection of part 5, part 3 and part 2 storey building (plus basement) to accomodate a 103 room hostel with 24 hour opening, associated landscaping works to front and rear, car and cycle parking, together with the refurbishment of 350 and 356 Seven Sisters Road.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Our March report

Councillors Report – March 2013

Council Budget 2013/14

At the meeting on 27th of February, we set the budget for the year ahead. Despite substantial reductions in government grant, we were able to freeze the council tax for a record 8th year. The figures show how unequal this has been with Hackney losing £318 per head of grant while Dorset loses £39 and Surrey £41.

Despite every thing we were still able to free up resources for new/additional services

 £0.250million towards policing the night time economy

 an additional £1.4m for Looked After Children

 £900k extra to the waste disposal authority

 £150k towards a new service for children of “overstayers”

 £1.8m more towards adult social care

In addition we maintained an extra £2.1m in cleansing and post Olympics cultural development, on a one-off basis.

The council’s revenue spending for the previous year came in at 0.2% under budget.

Bizarrely and apparently without irony the main Tory proposal was to cut spending on infrastructure and cleansing, to add to “the hardship fund to assist those residents losing council tax and other benefits as a result of the introduction of the government’s welfare reforms”. The Liberal Democrat proposal was a more limited version of this.

Parkwood School

A second advert for a new Headteacher should appear on the 8th March. The governors hope to interview and appoint in mid April. However there is a severe national shortage of suitable candidates so the timetable allows for a further round.

Kings Crescent regeneration

With the masterplan having been approved in September, the detailed design of the north side of the estate has been worked up. It will see the estate rebuilt in phases, each consisting of new build and refurbishment of existing stock so that the eventual design is tenure-blind. One interesting feature will see the conversion of the rows of garages along much of the northside to flats. This was one of the original design flaws leaving substantial areas with no natural surveillance or sense of ownership.

We hope to get it to a planning committee in the summer, and to start work in the late autumn. It will achieve

• 101 refurbished flats for current residents

• 107 new affordable units (79 for rent, 28 for shared ownership)

• 155 new units for private sale

The second stage of the refurbishment which included replacement of the electrical mains, all lifts, the installation of two tier door entry systems, and new roofs and windows for Weston and Lemsford, is almost complete. New windows are also being installed at Therfield Court, with Datchworth and Theobalds to follow shortly.

We have bid for £30k – and £78k of council funding - from a GLA initiative to create “pocket parks” from the current green spaces along Queens Drive.

Manor House Area Action Plan

We are meeting with residents affected by the proposal to redevelop the UNITE /T&GWU building on Green Lanes..

Finfuture/ the Finsbury Park Trust

At an EGM on 25th March, Finfuture is due to change it’s name to the Finsbury Park Trust to try to better reflect it’s aims and activities, first proposed by Brian.

As previously reported Hackney, Islington and Haringey council have agreed to work together on a joint supplementary planning document for Finsbury Park town centre which includes parts of Blackstock and Seven Sisters Roads. The aim is to guide future development of the area to support economic, social and physical regeneration.

Joint work has already taken place between the 3 boroughs on the removal of estate agent boards, auditing street clutter on borough and TfL roads, and engaging business and other stake holders. “Capital Clean Up” on 11-17th March will see further work but the area is already cleansed to a high level so any ideas would be welcome. The Accord is also exploring the idea of re-launching a Blackstock road festival. Hackney Council is leading on this and would welcome resident involvement.

Woodberry Down regeneration

Construction has begun on the “3 Ps” site. This will be 100% social housing.

The new youth club is to formally launched on the 6th April, with the adjacent Woodberry Grove North Park hopefully to follow on 25th April.

Secondary school admissions

1 March was national offer day, for pupils applying to secondary school this September. 67% of those who opted for a Hackney school have been offered a place at their first choice school. 84.5% have been offered either their first or second choice.

Community safety/policing

The March full council passed a Labour motion criticising the Mayor of London’s policing plan which will see officers in Hackney reduced from 770 in 2010 to 685 in 2015. It will also reduce the fixed element of SNTs to 1 sergeant, 1 PC and 1 PCSO.

Locally we continue to work closely with the police. For example “Operation Haka” is a joint long-term operation aimed at targeting gang-related criminality in Hackney. A total of 25 search warrants were executed and 14 people arrested, during dawn raids on the 27th of February 2013. These were predominantly in the Hoxton area of Hackney but with other addresses in Hackney and surrounding boroughs involved.

Councillors Brian Bell, Oli de Botton and Feryal Demirci

Monday, February 04, 2013

January/February update

Councillors Report – January 2013

Ward boundaries

The Local Government Boundary Commission have announced a third round of consultation on boundaries within Hackney. Although their proposals for Brownswood and Woodberry Down wards remain the same, it will cause a further delay to reorganisations and selections. Details can be found here -


Parkwood School

The advert for a new Headteacher appeared on the 18th January. The governors hope to interview and appoint in mid February. However there is a severe national shortage of suitable candidates so the timetable allows for further rounds if necessary.

Kings Crescent regeneration

The second stage of the refurbishment which includes replacement of the electrical mains, all lifts, the installation of two tier door entry systems, and new roofs and windows for Weston and Lemsford, is almost complete.

Although all the door entry systems are now installed, the state of the electrical mains was worse than expected and has delayed some being turned on. All should be operative within the month. In addition new windows are currently being installed at Therfield Court, with Datchworth and Theobalds to follow shortly.

With the masterplan having been approved in September, work has started on the detailed design of the north side of the estate. It will see the estate rebuilt in phases, each consisting of new build and refurbishment of the existing stock so that the eventual design is tenure-blind.

An apple orchard is being created in one of the triangular spaces on Queens Drive. Planting is from 9am on Thursday 31st January .

Manor House Area Action Plan

We’ve been approached by developers looking at two key sites. The first is the UNITE /T&GWU building on Green Lanes. There they propose a 6/7 storey mainly residential development on the northern two thirds of the site. The southern third will be landscaped as a small park offering access through to the New River and reservoirs.

The second is 420-424 Seven Sisters Road, the south western corner of the Manor House junction. There they’re proposing a 7 storey and basement 200 room hotel. This also accords with the vision in the AAP which is due for adoption this month.

Alexandra National House

The scheme is finally almost complete with council tenants due to move back in January and February. Private sale units will also be occupied from February.

It is well behind schedule and we are pursuing the developer for substantial compensation.

Woodberry Down regeneration

Work on the Old School Site is almost complete with the first shops transferring from the old parade to the base of the tower. Enabling works to allow us to begin building Phase 2 on the ‘3Ps’ site are well advanced.

The first residents have moved into brand new homes in Woodberry Down North and feedback has been very positive. Future arrangements for street naming, and the provision of school places, are among issues being raised by residents.

Community safety/policing

The new borough commander proposes a different approach to neighbouring policing. He has stated that fixed SNT membership will be reduced to 1 sergeant and 2 PCs. All other PCs and PCSOs will be allocated by a Neighbourhood Inspector to wherever they judge is most needed. He argues that by the elimination of some specialist teams and the reallocation of admin, more overall resources will go into community policing.

At the recent CAP meeting however, the outgoing Inspector thought that PCSOs would remain with SNTs. This needs to be clarified. Local priorities continue to ASB, prostitution and burglary.

A consultation on the wider Mayor of London’s policing plan was arranged for 6pm on 24 January at Hackney Assembly Halls.

Woodberry Down Youth Hub

The new hub is finally open and invites to tours of the facility were circulated, with a formal launch in February. A long-term name for the facility still needs to be found. The youth service have also committed to continuing provision on Myddleton Grange.

GCSE results

Provisional results have been released for GCSE performance and Hackney schools are again above the national average. Despite the much publicised fiasco over marking 59.6% of children in Hackney schools achieved 5 A*-C including English and Maths last year (the national average was 58.4%). In Ofsted terms 7 out of our 12 schools are now good or outstanding with no schools inadequate. More information can be found through the hackney website which has published our annual review of schools: http://mginternet.hackney.gov.uk/documents/s27575/standardsdatadec12.pdf

Finsbury Park railway bridges

The bridges at Finsbury Park have been an eyesore for many years. The recent treatment of the Hackney Central bridge shows how they can be transformed.

New art work breathes life into Hackney Central Bridge